Sexually Transmitted Disease(STD)

What is STD?

STD stands for sexually transmitted disease, which means an infection or disease is transmitted mostly through sexual intercourse (oral, anal or vaginal). PMS is also interpreted as venereal disease, or infection that is transmitted through sexual contact. It should be noted that the PMS attack around the genitals, but the symptoms can appear and attack the eyes, mouth, digestive tract, liver, brain and other organs. For example, both HIV / AIDS and Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual activity but they did not attack the genitals.

Why do we need information about STDs?

If we had sexual intercourse with another person, even if only once, we can get STDs.

What is the relationship of reproductive organs with STD?

Most PMS harm reproductive organs. In women, PMS or destroy Diding cervix vagina, usually without any signs of infection. In the male, which was first infected urinary tract. If left untreated, STDs can cause a discharge from the penis is not normal and result in pain at the time of urination. Untreated STDs can affect the reproductive organs and cause of infertility in both men or women.

Which body parts can be affected by STD?

In women
  1. Channels ovary
  2. Ovary
  3. uterus
  4. bladder
  5. cervical
  6. vaginal
  7. urinary
  8. anus
In men:
  1. bladder
  2. vas deferens
  3. prostate
  4. penis
  5. epididymis
  6. testicle
  7. urinary
  8. cock pouch
  9. seminal vesicle
  10. anus
There is some danger STD, that is:
  • Most STIs can cause us pain
  • Some STDs can cause sterility
  • Some STDs can cause miscarriage
  • STDs can cause cervical cancer
  • Some STDs can damage the eyes, brain and liver
  • STDs can be transmitted to the baby
  • STDs can cause us vulnerable to HIV / AIDS
  • Some STDs that can not be cured
What are the types of STD?
There are many types of STDs. The most common and most important thing to note is:
  • Gonorrhea
  • Chlamydia
  • Herpes Genitalia
  • Syphilis
  • Hepatitis B
  • HIV / AIDS

At this moment, chlamydia more attention. Like gonorrhea, chlamydia can cause sterility. Herpes causes symptoms that can appear and disappear forever. Syphilis can cause severe damage if not treated. While AIDS, which is caused by HIV destroys the immune system, making people sick and even die.

Can STDs be cured?
Not all STDs can be cured. STDs caused by viruses, such as HIV / AIDS, genital herpes and hepatitis B are examples of STDs that can not be cured. HIV / AIDS is the most dangerous. HIV / AIDS is incurable and damaging the human immune system that has the most important role in the fight against disease. Many people died from AIDS caused by their immune system can not fight infection.

Genital herpes have symptoms disappeared and can feel very ill if the disease is active tsb. In herpes, drugs can only be used to treat the symptoms only, but the virus that causes herpes stay alive in the body forever.

Does any have STD symptoms?


Sometimes, STDs have no symptoms at all, so we do not know if we're infected. STDs can be asymptomatic (no symptoms) in men or women. Some of the new PMS showed signs and symptoms for weeks, months, even years after infection.
In women, STDs can not even detectable. Although someone does not show the symptoms of STD infection, and did not know that they are exposed to STDs, they are still able to infect others.
HIV-infected people usually do not show symptoms for years after infection. No one can determine whether correct or not someone is infected just by appearance alone. Though people may look healthy they will be, they can still transmit HIV to others. Sometimes, people who are infected with HIV are not aware that they are suffering from a virus they will be, because they feel healthy and can remain active. Only laboratory tests can indicate a person has been infected with HIV or not.

What symptoms are most common STDs?
STD often have no symptoms. Symptoms that may arise include:

  • Exit Fluid / abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis. In women, there is increased vaginal discharge. The color can be more white, yellowish, greenish, or kemerahmudaan. Discharge could have an unpleasant odor and slimy.
  • In men, the heat was burning or pain during or after urination, usually caused by STDs. In women, some symptoms may be caused by PMS, but also caused by a bladder infection is not transmitted through sexual contact.
  • Open wounds or sores around the genitals wet or mouth. The wound may be painful or not.
  • Small bumps (papules) around the genitals
  • Redness around the genitals
  • In men, pain or redness occurs in the penis sac
  • Stomach pain lower that appear and disappear, and not associated with menstruation
  • The spot of blood after intercourse
How can we get infected with STDs?
Most STDs come from sex is not safe. The definition of unsafe sex, are:

  • Perform vaginal intercourse without a condom (penis in the vagina)
  • Sexual intercourse through the anus without a condom (penis in the anus)
  • Sexual Hubugan through oral or karaoke (penis in the mouth without a condom or mouth touching female genitalia)
Are there other ways people can be infected with STDs?
Another way a person can be infected with STDs also through:

Tansfusi from infected blood, using shared needles or other sharp objects into the body to use drugs or tattooing.

Pregnant mothers to their babies
Transmission during pregnancy, during the birth process. After birth, HIV can be transmitted through breastfeeding.

So addition to the above, STDs are not contagious?


PMS is not transmitted through:

  • Sitting next to PMS sufferers
  • The use of the toilet with the patient
  • Working too hard
  • Using public swimming pools, a hot water bath or a sauna together
  • Shaking hands with patient
  • Sneezing
  • Sweat
Why are women more at risk of contracting STDs than men?
Women are more vulnerable to contracting STDs than men. The main reason is:

  • During sex, vaginal wall and cervix directly exposed to semen. If the sperm infected with STDs, then they will be any women can be infected
  • If the STD-infected women, she does not always show symptoms. No emergence of symptoms can cause widespread infection and complications
  • Many people - especially women and teenagers - are reluctant to seek treatment because they do not want the family or community know they suffer from PMS.
How bad result for someone STD?
If left alone without a handle, the STD can destroy an infected person, such as:
  • Either male infertility or female
  • Cervical cencer in women
  • Pregnancy outside the uterus
  • Infection spreads
  • Babies born with birth should not have, such as birth before age, low birth weight, or infected with STDs
  • HIV Infection

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